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Six Taboos on the Night of Suro and Their Explanations, Believed to At…

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작성자 Branden
댓글 0건 조회 17회 작성일 24-08-04 03:10


ght of First Suro
A similar prohibition on the night of one Suro is not being allowed to move houses. The negative consequences of violating the prohibition on moving houses is the same as the effects of building a house on the night of first Suro. People call it taboo an

076350100_1700135732-muslim-man-studying-quran_1_.jpgKashmiri Muslims praying during the month of Ramadan at a holy site in Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 7, 2019. Currently, Muslims around the world are performing worship during the month of Ramadan by abstaining from hunger, thirst, and desires from dawn

085381500_1671090332-pexels-alena-darmel-8164382.jpgroughout the day.
In Indonesia, the tradition of drinking milk on 1 Muharram is mostly followed by the community in the NU organization as a form of observing the advice of the great Makkah scholar, Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawy Al Maliki. He often gave out milk to his disciples on 1 Muharram, making it a form of hope for a y

5. Jamasan Pusaka
Jamasan pusaka is a practice of 1 Suro carried out in order to maintain or preserve the heritage and memories of their ancestors. Heirlooms have a myriad of meanings behind their physical form. These are the results of creative work in the field of art and skills of

he month of Suro.
Like being stricter in maintaining and purifying the heart, mind, and guarding the five senses from negative things. When performing this practice on the night of 1 Suro, one must pray for safety to God to be protected from disaste

ths When Drinking
Prophet Muhammad SAW took three breaths when drinking, not finishing the drink in one gulp, but alternating it by taking breaths. This is done to move the glass away from the mouth when breathing to avoid exhaling carbon dioxide into the drinking water. Following this method when drinking milk on 1 Muharram helps keeping health and observing the etiquette of drinking as taugh

This article reviews the evidence for Tasu'a and Muharram fasting, given that there are still those who doubt the sunnah status of these two fasts. Some consider that Tasu'a and A


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